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In LibFewShot,we use a base transforms to compare some methods fairly. The base transforms could be divided into three sub-transforms:

Resize&Crop + ExtraTransforms + ToTensor&Norm

There are some differences in Resize&Crop for different dataset and config file (key augment):

  1. in the training phase, config.augment is True

    from torchvision import transforms
    transforms.RandomResizedCrop((config.image_size, config.image_size))
  2. in other phases:

    from torchvision import transforms
    transforms.Resize((96, 96))  # or 256 when config.image_size = 224
    transforms.CenterCrop((84, 84)) # or 224 when config.image_size = 224

Besides, you may notice that ToTensor & Norm always uses the same sets of mean and variance, then you can reset mean and variance for different datasets.

MEAN = [120.39586422 / 255.0, 115.59361427 / 255.0, 104.54012653 / 255.0]
STD = [70.68188272 / 255.0, 68.27635443 / 255.0, 72.54505529 / 255.0]