Add a new classifier

Code for this section:


We need to select one representative method from matric based methods, meta learning methods and fine-tuning methods, respectively, and describe how to add new methods of the three categories.

Before this,we need to introduce a parent class of all methods: abstract_model.

class AbstractModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,...)
    	# base info

    def set_forward(self,):
        # inference phase

    def set_forward_loss(self,):
        # training phase

    def forward(self, x):
        out = self.emb_func(x)
        return out

    def train(self,):
        # override super's function

    def eval(self,):
        # override super's function

    def _init_network(self,):
        # init all layers

    def _generate_local_targets(self,):
        # formate the few shot labels

    def split_by_episode(self,):
        # split batch by way, shot and query

    def reset_base_info(self,):
        # change way, shot and query
  • __init__:init func,used to initialize the few shot learning settings like way, shot, query and other train parameters.

  • set_forward:used to be called in inference phase, return classifier’s output and accuracy.

  • set_forward_loss:used to be called in training phase, return classifier’s output, accuracy and loss.

  • forward:override the forward function forward of Module in pytorch, return the ouput of backbone.

  • train:override the forward function train of Module in pytorch, used to unfix the BatchNorm layer parameter.

  • eval:override the forward function test of Module in pytorch, used to fix the BatchNorm layer parameter.

  • _init_network:used to initialize all network parameters.

  • _generate_local_targets:used to generate target for few shot learning.

  • split_by_episode:used to split batch in shape:[episode_size, way, shot+query, …]. It has several split modes.

  • reset_base_info:used to change the few shot learning settings.

New methods must override the set_forward and set_forward_loss functions, and all other functions can be called according to the needs of the implemented methods.

Note that in order for the newly added method to be called through reflection, add a line to the file in the directory of the corresponding method type:

from NewMethodFileName import *

metric based

Using DN4 as an example, we will describe how to add a new metric based classifier to LibFewShot.

metric based methods have a common parent class MetricModel, which is inherited from AbstractModel.

class MetricModel(AbstractModel):
    def __init__(self,):
        super(MetricModel, self).__init__()

    def set_forward(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def set_forward_loss(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def forward(self, x):
        out = self.emb_func(x)
        return out

Since the pipeline of metric based methods are mostly simple, MetricModel just inherites AbstractModel and no other changes are made.

build model

First, create DN4 model class, add file under core/model/metric/: (this code have some differences with source code)

class DN4(MetricModel):
    def __init__(self, n_k=3, **kwargs):
        # base info
        super(DN4Layer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.n_k = n_k
        self.loss_func = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

    def set_forward(self, batch):
        # inference phase
        :param batch: (images, labels)
        :param batch.images: shape: [episodeSize*way*(shot*augment_times+query*augment_times_query),C,H,W]
        :param batch.labels: shape: [episodeSize*way*(shot*augment_times+query*augment_times_query), ]
        :return: net output and accuracy
        image, global_target = batch
        image =
        episode_size = image.size(0) // (
            self.way_num * (self.shot_num + self.query_num)
        feat = self.emb_func(image)
        support_feat, query_feat, support_target, query_target = self.split_by_episode(
            feat, mode=2

        t, wq, c, h, w = query_feat.size()
        _, ws, _, _, _ = support_feat.size()

        # t, wq, c, hw -> t, wq, hw, c -> t, wq, 1, hw, c
        query_feat = query_feat.view(
            t, self.way_num * self.query_num, c, h * w
        ).permute(0, 1, 3, 2)
        query_feat = F.normalize(query_feat, p=2, dim=2).unsqueeze(2)

        # t, ws, c, h, w -> t, w, s, c, hw -> t, 1, w, c, shw
        support_feat = (
            support_feat.view(t, self.way_num, self.shot_num, c, h * w)
            .permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4)
            .view(t, self.way_num, c, self.shot_num * h * w)
        support_feat = F.normalize(support_feat, p=2, dim=2).unsqueeze(1)

        # t, wq, w, hw, shw -> t, wq, w, hw, n_k -> t, wq, w
        relation = torch.matmul(query_feat, support_feat)
        topk_value, _ = torch.topk(relation, self.n_k, dim=-1)
        score = torch.sum(topk_value, dim=[3, 4])

        output = score.view(episode_size * self.way_num * self.query_num, self.way_num)
        acc = accuracy(output, query_target)

        return output, acc

    def set_forward_loss(self, batch):
        # training phase
        :param batch: (images, labels)
        :param batch.images: shape: [episodeSize*way*(shot*augment_times+query*augment_times_query),C,H,W]
        :param batch.labels: shape: [episodeSize*way*(shot*augment_times+query*augment_times_query), ]
        :return: net output, accuracy and train loss
        image, global_target = batch
        image =
        episode_size = image.size(0) // (
            self.way_num * (self.shot_num + self.query_num)
        emb = self.emb_func(image)
        support_feat, query_feat, support_target, query_target = self.split_by_episode(
            emb, mode=2

        t, wq, c, h, w = query_feat.size()
        _, ws, _, _, _ = support_feat.size()

        # t, wq, c, hw -> t, wq, hw, c -> t, wq, 1, hw, c
        query_feat = query_feat.view(
            t, self.way_num * self.query_num, c, h * w
        ).permute(0, 1, 3, 2)
        query_feat = F.normalize(query_feat, p=2, dim=2).unsqueeze(2)

        # t, ws, c, h, w -> t, w, s, c, hw -> t, 1, w, c, shw
        support_feat = (
            support_feat.view(t, self.way_num, self.shot_num, c, h * w)
            .permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4)
            .view(t, self.way_num, c, self.shot_num * h * w)
        support_feat = F.normalize(support_feat, p=2, dim=2).unsqueeze(1)

        # t, wq, w, hw, shw -> t, wq, w, hw, n_k -> t, wq, w
        relation = torch.matmul(query_feat, support_feat)
        topk_value, _ = torch.topk(relation, self.n_k, dim=-1)
        score = torch.sum(topk_value, dim=[3, 4])

        output = score.view(episode_size * self.way_num * self.query_num, self.way_num)
        loss = self.loss_func(output, query_target)
        acc = accuracy(output, query_target)

        return output, acc, loss

__init__ function call super.__init__() to initialize few shot learning settings, and initialize DN4 method’s super parameter n_k.

Please notice line 19-27,65-73, these lines aim to split batch feature vectors into correct shape that fit few shot learning setting. In deatils, in order to maximize the useage of computing resources, we first get all images’ feature vectors, and then divide the feature vectors into support set, suery set. 29-50 lines are used to calculate DN4 method’s output. Finally, the ouput shape of set_forward is $output.shape:[episode_sizewayquery,way],acc:float$, the output shape of set_forward_loss is $output.shape:[episode_sizewayquery,way], acc:float, loss:tensor$. Where output needs to be cabculated according to the method, acc can call the accuracy function provided by LibFewShot and input output, target to get the classification accuracy.While loss can use the loss function that the user initializes at the start of the method, used in set_forward_loss to get the classification loss.

The metric based method simply needs to process the input images into the corresponding form according to the method, and then begin the training.

meta learning

Using MAML as an example, we will describe how to add a new meta learning classifier to LibFewShot.

meta learning methods have a common parent class MetaModel, which is inherited from AbstractModel.

class MetaModel(AbstractModel):
    def __init__(self,):
        super(MetaModel, self).__init__(init_type, ModelType.META, **kwargs)

    def set_forward(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def set_forward_loss(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def forward(self, x):
        out = self.emb_func(x)
        return out

    def set_forward_adaptation(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def sub_optimizer(self, parameters, config):
        kwargs = dict()

        if config["kwargs"] is not None:
        return getattr(torch.optim, config["name"])(parameters, **kwargs)

The meta-learning method adds two new functions, set_forward_adaptation and sub_optimizer. set_forward_adaptation is the logic that deals with the need to fine-tune the network during the classification process, and sub_optimizer is to provide a new sub-optimizer for the fine-tuning.

build model

First, create MAML model class, add file under core/model/meta/: (this code have some differences with source code)

from ..backbone.utils import convert_maml_module

class MAML(MetaModel):
    def __init__(self, inner_param, feat_dim, **kwargs):
        super(MAML, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.loss_func = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
        self.classifier = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(feat_dim, self.way_num))
        self.inner_param = inner_param


    def forward_output(self, x):
        :param x: feature vectors, shape: [batch, C]
        :return: probability of classification
        out1 = self.emb_func(x)
        out2 = self.classifier(out1)
        return out2

    def set_forward(self, batch):
        :param batch: (images, labels)
        :param batch.images: shape: [episodeSize*way*(shot*augment_times+query*augment_times_query),C,H,W]
        :param batch.labels: shape: [episodeSize*way*(shot*augment_times+query*augment_times_query), ]
        :return: net output, accuracy and train loss
        image, global_target = batch  # unused global_target
        image =
        support_image, query_image, support_target, query_target = self.split_by_episode(
            image, mode=2
        episode_size, _, c, h, w = support_image.size()

        output_list = []
        for i in range(episode_size):
            episode_support_image = support_image[i].contiguous().reshape(-1, c, h, w)
            episode_query_image = query_image[i].contiguous().reshape(-1, c, h, w)
            episode_support_target = support_target[i].reshape(-1)
            self.set_forward_adaptation(episode_support_image, episode_support_target)

            output = self.forward_output(episode_query_image)


        output =, dim=0)
        acc = accuracy(output, query_target.contiguous().view(-1))
        return output, acc

    def set_forward_loss(self, batch):
        :param batch: (images, labels)
        :param batch.images: shape: [episodeSize*way*(shot*augment_times+query*augment_times_query),C,H,W]
        :param batch.labels: shape: [episodeSize*way*(shot*augment_times+query*augment_times_query), ]
        :return: net output, accuracy and train loss
        image, global_target = batch  # unused global_target
        image =
        support_image, query_image, support_target, query_target = self.split_by_episode(
            image, mode=2
        episode_size, _, c, h, w = support_image.size()

        output_list = []
        for i in range(episode_size):
            episode_support_image = support_image[i].contiguous().reshape(-1, c, h, w)
            episode_query_image = query_image[i].contiguous().reshape(-1, c, h, w)
            episode_support_target = support_target[i].reshape(-1)
            self.set_forward_adaptation(episode_support_image, episode_support_target)

            output = self.forward_output(episode_query_image)


        output =, dim=0)
        loss = self.loss_func(output, query_target.contiguous().view(-1))
        acc = accuracy(output, query_target.contiguous().view(-1))
        return output, acc, loss

    def set_forward_adaptation(self, support_set, support_target):
        lr = self.inner_param["lr"]
        fast_parameters = list(self.parameters())
        for parameter in self.parameters():
   = None

        for i in range(self.inner_param["iter"]):
            output = self.forward_output(support_set)
            loss = self.loss_func(output, support_target)
            grad = torch.autograd.grad(loss, fast_parameters, create_graph=True)
            fast_parameters = []

            for k, weight in enumerate(self.parameters()):
                if is None:
           = weight - lr * grad[k]
           = - lr * grad[k]

The most important parts of MAML are the two parts. The first part is the convert_maml_module function on line 10, which changes all the layers in the network to MAML format layers for easy parameter updating. The other part is the set_forward_adaptation function, which updates the fast parameters of the network. MAML is a common meta learning method, so we will use MAML as an example to show how to add meta learning method to LibFewShot.


Using Baseline as an example, we will describe how to add a new fine-tuning classifier to LibFewShot.

fine-tuning methods have a common parent class FinetuningModel, which is inherited from AbstractModel.

class FinetuningModel(AbstractModel):
    def __init__(self,):
        super(FinetuningModel, self).__init__()
        # ...

    def set_forward(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def set_forward_loss(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def forward(self, x):
        out = self.emb_func(x)
        return out

    def set_forward_adaptation(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def sub_optimizer(self, model, config):
        kwargs = dict()
        if config["kwargs"] is not None:
        return getattr(torch.optim, config["name"])(model.parameters(), **kwargs)

The main aim of finetuning method train phase is to train a good feature extractor, while using the few shot learning setting in the test phase to finetune the model by the support set. Another method is to use the training setting of few shot learning to fine-tune the whole model after the feature extractor is trained. In line with the meta learning method, a set_forward_adaptation abstract function is added to handle the forward process during test phase. In addition, since there are some fine-tuning methods in which the classifier needs to be trained, a sub_optimizer method is added, passing in the parameters to be optimized and the optimized configuration parameters, and returning the optimizer for easy call.

build model

First, create Baseline model class, add file under core/model/finetuning/: (this code have some differences with source code)

class Baseline(FinetuningModel):
    def __init__(self, feat_dim, num_class, inner_param, **kwargs):
        super(Baseline, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.feat_dim = feat_dim
        self.num_class = num_class
        self.inner_param = inner_param

        self.classifier = nn.Linear(self.feat_dim, self.num_class)
        self.loss_func = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

    def set_forward(self, batch):
        :param batch: (images, labels)
        :param batch.images: shape: [episodeSize*way*(shot*augment_times+query*augment_times_query),C,H,W]
        :param batch.labels: shape: [episodeSize*way*(shot*augment_times+query*augment_times_query), ]
        :return: net output, accuracy and train loss
        image, global_target = batch
        image =
        feat = self.emb_func(image)

        support_feat, query_feat, support_target, query_target = self.split_by_episode(feat, mode=1)
        episode_size = support_feat.size(0)

        support_target = support_target.reshape(episode_size, self.way_num, self.shot_num)
        query_target = query_target.reshape(episode_size, self.way_num, self.query_num)

        output_list = []
        for i in range(episode_size):
            output = self.set_forward_adaptation(support_feat, support_target, query_feat)

        output = torch.stack(output_list, dim=0)
        acc = accuracy(output, query_target)

        return output, acc

    def set_forward_loss(self, batch):
        :param batch: (images, labels)
        :param batch.images: shape: [batch_size,C,H,W]
        :param batch.labels: shape: [batch_size, ]
        :return: net output, accuracy and train loss
        image, target = batch
        image =
        target =

        feat = self.emb_func(image)
        output = self.classifier(feat)
        loss = self.loss_func(output, target)
        acc = accuracy(output, target)
        return output, acc, loss

    def set_forward_adaptation(self, support_feat, support_target, query_feat):
        support_feat: shape: [way_num, shot_num, C]
        support_target: shape: [way_num*shot_num, ]
        query_feat: shape: [way_num, shot_num, C]
        classifier = nn.Linear(self.feat_dim, self.way_num)
        optimizer = self.sub_optimizer(classifier, self.inner_param["inner_optim"])

        classifier =

        support_size = support_feat.size(0)
        for epoch in range(self.inner_param["inner_train_iter"]):
            rand_id = torch.randperm(support_size)
            for i in range(0, support_size, self.inner_param["inner_batch_size"]):
                select_id = rand_id[i : min(i + self.inner_param["inner_batch_size"], support_size)]
                batch = support_feat[select_id]
                target = support_target[select_id]

                output = classifier(batch)

                loss = self.loss_func(output, target)


        output = classifier(query_feat)
        return output

The set_forward_loss is the same as the classical supervised classification method, while the set_forward is the same as the meta learning method. The contents of the set_forward_adaptation function is the main part of the test phase. The feature vectors of support set and query set extracted by backbone is used to train a classifier, and the feature vectors of query set is used to classify by the classifier.